Early 10GHz/24GHz Rig - AD6A
Here are some pictures of my first 10/24GHz single-switch portable rig setup. I used a Yaesu FT-817 as the IF which was mounted on the back of the dish along with an old dual-band FM rig for liaison. The transverters, LNA's, and PA's were all DB6NT modules. I had modified the transverters to lock to a 10MHz ovenized source with a PLL that I designed and built. This was on a custom PCB I had made for the purpose, which also contained all the bandswitching and TX/RX sequencing logic. This transceiver was mounted underneath a 4' offset fed dish with a crude facsimile of the AA6IW/AD6FP dual-band feed on it. I worked my best 10GHz DX yet on this rig - a distance of 891Km from Mt. Frazier to Baja, Mexico.